Nasal Obstructions

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Nasal Treatment for Obstructions

Discomfort Due to Nasal Obstructions? Find Long-Lasting Relief!

Blockage of the nose or nasal cavity (or nasal obstruction) can be caused by a wide variety of problems.

Inferior turbinate hypertrophy occurs when the turbinates (two structures of spongy bone inside of the nose) become swollen due to allergy and dust irritation.

A deviated nasal septum occurs when the structure which separates the nostrils becomes crooked, often due to trauma to the nose, making it difficult to breathe.

Other types of nasal obstructions include large adenoids (which block the back of the nose), swelling of the nasal lining due to allergies, and choanal atresia (narrowing or blockage of the nasal airway by tissue).

Medical Treatment

Often, nasal obstruction is initially treated with medications, which may address underlying allergy triggers or other causes of nasal swelling. Your Ear, Nose and Throat specialist may prescribe a nasal steroid spray to decrease inflammation of the nose and turbinates.

Surgical Treatment

If there is no improvement following medical treatment, surgery may be required. New surgical techniques are available used to shrink turbinates, such as radiofrequency energy or a small tissue-shaving device.

If the nasal obstruction is due to the adenoids, your doctor may recommend having them removed surgically (called an adenoidectomy). Most adenoidectomy procedures are performed on an outpatient basis.

Non-Surgical Procedure

VIVAER® Nasal Airway Remodeling is an advanced, minimally-invasive procedure designed and created specifically to treat obstructions of the Nasal Valve.  It is performed in the office with local anesthesia.

Deviated Septum

Deviated Septum Treatment Available in Biloxi and Ocean Springs

A deviated septum occurs when the nasal septum (the bone and cartilage which divides the nasal cavity of the nose in half) is crooked or off-center, making it difficult to breathe. This condition is not uncommon. A deviated septum may occur at birth, or as the result of trauma or injury to the nose. Some estimates indicate that 80% of all people have some sort of misalignment of their nasal septum. However, only the most severe misalignments will cause significant breathing problems and require treatment.

Symptoms of a deviated septum include nasal congestion and difficulty breathing. A deviated septum may lead to recurrent sinus infections, nosebleeds, facial pain, headache, loud breathing, snoring, and even sleep apnea (a serious condition in which a person stops breathing while asleep).

Medical Treatment

Your sinus care specialist may prescribe a nasal decongestant to help relieve symptoms related to a deviated septum. This may help to reduce nasal tissue swelling, thereby opening the airways on both sides of the nose.

Antihistamine treatment may also be an option. Antihistamines can help prevent allergy symptoms, such as obstruction and runny nose (rhinorrhea).

Prescription nasal corticosteroid sprays may help reduce inflammation in the nasal passage causing the obstruction or drainage.

It is important to note that medications only treat the swollen mucus membranes, but won't correct a deviated septum.

Surgical Treatment

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure during which a small incision is made in the septum and removes the excess bone or cartilage required to even out the nostrils. Surgery to correct a deviated septum is usually performed in an outpatient setting under local or general anesthesia. Patients can expect to return home within a few hours.

Rhinoplasty (or a “nose job”) may sometimes be combined with septoplasty to improve the overall appearance of the nose.

Balloon septoplasty is a newer, in-office procedure that corrects milder cases of deviated septum without resorting to traditional surgical methods.


Find Relief from Turbinate Pain at Sinuplasty Center of Excellence

The turbinates are structures made of bone and soft tissue on the side wall of the inside of the nose which help warm and moisturize the air that we breathe. Enlargement of the inferior turbinates (hypertrophic turbinates) can block nasal airflow. An evaluation of your symptoms and a thorough nasal examination by your nasal care specialist can diagnose enlarged inferior turbinates.

Medical Treatment

Your doctor may recommend medications to treat enlarged inferior turbinates. Medications can help reduce the size of the turbinates and can help to improve nasal obstruction for many patients. If symptoms persist following medical treatment, your doctor may recommend surgery to shrink the turbinates in size.

Surgical Treatment

Turbinate reduction surgery may be performed as an in-office procedure, or in an operating room. Different techniques which may be used to reduce the turbinates include cauterization, coblation, radiofrequency reduction, microdebrider resection, and partial resection. Following surgery, the turbinate it will be much smaller in size as it heals. Occasionally, turbinate tissue may re-grow and the procedure may need to be repeated. In some cases, nasal packing may be utilized during the healing process.

Nasal Valve Collapse

Nasal Valve Collapse Treatment Solutions in Biloxi & Ocean Springs

The nasal valve is the narrowest part of the nasal airway, located in the middle to lower portion of the nose. Since the nasal valve is such a narrow area, any alteration in the structure of the nose affecting this area can result in increased resistance or blocked airflow. This is known as nasal valve collapse. The most common causes of nasal valve collapse are previous rhinoplasty, nasal trauma and congenital weakness of the nose cartilages. Nasal valve collapse can result in nasal blockage, snoring, and mouth breathing. While nasal valve collapse during vigorous physical activity is normal, its collapse during normal breathing is not.

Medical Treatment

A small percentage of patients may opt for relief via a mechanism called a nasal valve dilator. One example of a nasal valve dilator is Breathe Right strips (over-the-counter adhesive strips positioned on the outside of the nose), which are primarily worn at night and serve to widen the nose at the spot of the nasal valve.

Surgical Treatment

Nasal valve obstruction may require surgery, including cartilage grafting, for permanent symptom relief. There are a number of surgical approaches available to treat nasal valve collapse, depending upon the anatomic cause of the collapse. If the nasal valve collapse is due to past rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty may be performed. If the collapse is due to trauma, the nasal fracture and nasal valve repair can be combined.

Nasal Polyps

Nasal Polyp Treatment Available in Biloxi & Ocean Springs

Nasal polyps are benign (noncancerous) growths of the tissue which lines the nose. If you’ve ever felt like you have a cold that doesn’t go away, this may be due to nasal polyps.

During an infection or allergy-induced irritation, the nasal lining becomes swollen and red, producing a steady fluid drip. During prolonged irritation, a polyp (or small cyst) may form, blocking the nasal passages. Nasal polyps may also form due to asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), cystic fibrosis, Churg-Strauss syndrome, and sensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Medical Treatment

Medications that reduce inflammation may help to reduce the size of the polyp and relieve symptoms of congestion. Nasal steroid sprays can reduce runny nose symptoms and the sensation of blockage by shrinking the polyp. Oral or injectable steroids are options if nasal sprays don’t produce results, but these are not long-term solutions due to potential side effects, such as fluid retention, increased blood pressure, and elevated pressure in the eyes.

Surgical Treatment

Surgery can remove the polyps completely if medical treatments fail. A polypectomy is an outpatient surgery done with a small suction device or a microdebrider which removes soft tissue. Endoscopic sinus surgery using a thin, flexible endoscope with a tiny camera and small tools on the end can be used to remove larger polyps. Following surgery, nasal sprays and saline washes can prevent polyps from returning.

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